Category Archives: Giving Back

Hello, Corona-time.

Well this is such a scary and bizarre place for us to all be! It’s been a full week that our world has been turned upside down, and I still wake up each morning thinking, “that was sure a weird dream,” to only come to the realization that NOPE here we are! I posted a...

India 2016

Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve shared any images to the blog!  Oops.  It’s not because we haven’t been taking any images, in fact my camera has been smoking!  I’ll do better sharing all that’s been going on, starting with this post. Many people know that our whole family had the opportunity of...

meeting dr. magee

This past weekend, Matt and I traveled to New Orleans for the annual Professional Photographers of America conference.  It’s always a great time to see those friends we only get to hang out with once a year, explore the huge trade show, and take classes from some of our industry greats.  And since this year...

Attention Photographers!

  This October will mark our fourth year of supporting an incredibly worthwhile charity called Operation Smile.  Through PPA Charities, hundreds of studios across the country come together to do something very big….help create smiles for children who need them most.  Click play on the slideshow below to learn more, and please join the cause....

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 & joyCapturing the