Hello, Corona-time.

Well this is such a scary and bizarre place for us to all be! It’s been a full week that our world has been turned upside down, and I still wake up each morning thinking, “that was sure a weird dream,” to only come to the realization that NOPE here we are!

I posted a few days ago :

“If there’s one thing we know for sure it’s that God’s plan is the best one- albeit rarely the easy one. Being small business owners, we are in uncharted territory, and like most, we are brainstorming how we can continue to serve our clients while supporting our family during this crazy time.”

One thing we thought we could do to connect while we are all cooped up is to host a photography camp of sorts! We are still working out the details of how we will implement lessons and tutorials, but to start things out, we thought it would be fun to offer a little weekend photo scavenger hunt. The rules are: keep your social distance, be creative and have fun! If the thought of your kids learning more about photography and having a fun activity to participate in sounds appealing, then this is what you can do:

  • email us at camp@weedonphoto.com and tell us the following info:
  • let us know who will be participating- names and ages. (Parents and Adults welcome, too!)
  • let us know what equipment you will be using (Phone camera, digital point and shoot, or SLR camera!)
  • how technical do you want to get? Are you interested in fun, little kid-friendly activities…or in a full-on class where you learn how to take your SLR camera to the next level and even learn how to (GASP) shoot in manual mode? 🙂 We are thinking we will offer formats for different levels!
  • your email will be how we send activities and tutorials, and you will send photo “assignments” back to us for critique!
  • we’d also like to show off your work on a dedicated Instagram page and on our business Facebook page, if you are open to that!

We will be offering this camp free of charge, and please feel free to share this opportunity with your friends! We are in this together!

To get it started, let’s kick off the weekend scavenger hunt! Email us and we will send out the activity sheet and learn more about how the class can serve you and your kids! We pray God’s blessing and protection over your family!

~ Angie and Matt

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 24 years.love & joyCapturing the