India 2016

Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve shared any images to the blog!  Oops.  It’s not because we haven’t been taking any images, in fact my camera has been smoking!  I’ll do better sharing all that’s been going on, starting with this post.

Many people know that our whole family had the opportunity of a lifetime to visit India last year, when I was asked to document an amazing nonprofit started by friends of ours there. Last week, I got to go again (this time without Matt and the kids), and once again I was charmed by the people and moved by their experience.

Ark of the Rainbow is a school and community center in a slum of Bangalore, serving some incredible people and making a big difference in so many lives.  At its core, the mission of Ark is to educate the children of a very vulnerable community, where the threats of human trafficking and sex slavery are very real. The beauty of educating these little ones (especially the girls) goes beyond those threats, as the practice of underage marriage and teen pregnancy also decrease significantly with increased education. What we are seeing is a whole community changing for the better with this sweet school~ after school Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs minister to adolescents, a Women’s Club supports the ladies of the community with issues we cannot even fathom in our culture, and a free weekly clinic provides health care to those unable to afford it otherwise. It has been an honor to be a part of something so meaningful.

The school is funded fully by donations and child sponsorships are available for anyone wanting to support a child’s education!  Just $250 a year or $20 a month provides the school, supplies, uniforms, daily healthy meals, health checkups, and family support for a kid in need. By sponsoring a child, you also get to have a sweet relationship with them, communicating through letters and pictures throughout the year. Ark also provides college scholarships for girls in the Girls Club. Can you believe just $300 provides an entire year’s tuition? Amazing. Currently there are four young women who are benefitting from the college scholarship program, but there are more deserving girls whose future could forever be brighter if given the opportunity. More information can be found on their website.

Onto some images!  It is the most joyful place on the planet…a place where my cheeks hurt for hours from smiling so much. The contrast from inside the school to outside is stark.  See for yourself.


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