Love, love, love…..

…Lleyton (5) , Lilly (3) and Logan (1).

There is so much that I love about these guys: their sweet family has been with us since we worked out of the small back room in our first home and it seems like we have evolved and grown right along with them. Beth and I had our first kiddos around the same time, so there was an instant connection when we met as she was still pregnant, discussing plans for Mr. Lleyton’s birth announcement. Since then, this family has been through lots of highs….and a few lows….and we are so very thankful to have been able to capture so much a long the way.

Thanks, guys, for trusting us with your precious kids and their priceless portraits! You are why we LOVE what we do.

of Dallas’ most fabulous families for 25 & joyCapturing the